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Real estate management

As a property owner, you bear a great deal of responsibility and make long-term decisions to manage your portfolio with foresight. When assessing the condition of your buildings and planning costs, estimates can vary greatly, making decision-making a complex matter. 

We take the burden off of you by supporting you with important decisions and ensuring transparency while you remain in control. Our experts accompany you from condition analysis to risk management and help you understand the value and risks of your properties.

We collect, aggregate and evaluate data to provide you with all relevant facts and empirical data. We have years of experience, reality-tested mathematical models and risk adjustment options that help you make the right and sustainable decisions in strategic portfolio management.

With decades of experience among our staff, thousands of construction tours and the assessment of thousands of components, we have extensive knowledge and expertise that will help you avoid wrong decisions and ensure long-term safety.

Our services:

·       Condition analysis

·       Investment planning and life cycle considerations

·       Budgeting of renovations and renovations

·       Conservation planning and strategies

·       Data processing and generation

·       Building diagnostics

·       Real estate controlling

·       Risk management

·       Building optimization (building technology)

·       Sale of real estate and land

·       Requests to purchase real estate and land 

We look forward to hearing from you and are ready for an inspiring exchange of experiences with you.

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